Saturday, May 5, 2007

Blog is Back

A new blog for a new program - robblog: IP&T, instructional psychology and technology.

This week I returned to school after about a year's absence. Last spring, I defended my thesis, completed my Master's program and began a full-time teaching and administration position. It was during this year that I eventually decided to apply to a PhD program with my current university. Although I had never considered this option before, there were several reasons to consider applying to the program here.

1 - Kimberly is already working on her PhD here, so we'll be here for 2 or 3 more years, regardless of my job.

2 - I have already taken several applicable credits to this PhD program when I was an MA and while I was a faculty member.

3 - Doing my PhD here (while I am working full-time) will reduce the time that Kimberly and I have to be poor grad students. We can begin looking for a permanent position as soon as leave Utah, rather than having to spend 3-4 years somewhere else while I pursue a PhD after she finishes hers.

4 - I already know a few faculty members here in this program, and I think they would be willing to support my current research as a dissertation topic.

5 - As a faculty member, tuition is free for me. So long as I am willing to work classes around my work schedule, I shouldn't have to pay a cent to complete my PhD here.

Altough programs in Hawai'i, California, Montreal, and even New Zealand look interesting, it certainly makes more sense to do my degree here. So, I applied early this year and I was accepted. And this term (while I am off teaching for 7 weeks), I'm overloading on courses so that I can complete my coursework requirements as soon as possible.

And although it's been about a year since I was last in school, and about a year since I last kept a blog, one of my professors suggested I start up again, so here it is - robblog: IP&T

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