Friday, September 21, 2007

Another Push in the Write Direction

The hints have no longer come subtlety. In fact they could hardly be called hints. Demands might be too strong, but mandates is probably not far.

In the past three weeks I have had two professors encourage me to get back to work on submitting my thesis research to an academic journal. I told them that I was working on a collaborative article, but the truth is my collaborators are not collaborating, so nothing is happening.

Then I figured it was time to start getting my job application skills back on track since I'll only been in my current position until 2009. And of course that means adding publications to my CV.

And then today my boss strongly, strongly, strongly urged me to get my article published. A political, greater good sort of thing. And so that's what I have spent this evening trying to do. Write.

And it's not really working. But somehow I will manage.

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